In this article I give a breakdown of a potential day itinerary you may follow during your trip to Southern California. I tried to include some of the mainstream spots, but also some of the local gems. Because this is a day trip, I decided to exclude theme parks such as Universal Studios Hollywood and Disneyland Anaheim since those would be full day activities. For this full-day plan I would recommend spending the night in Pasadena. Additionally, everything in LA is sprawling, so you will definitely need to rent a car
朝 - Morning
For how early you want to start the day can be up to you. I am one to try to get a head start in the day for 2 reasons: you beat the heat and the crowds. Pasadena is great for a morning hike since nature will always be open. I recommend hiking Eaton Canyon or Rubio Canyon. If you are an avid hiker, Eaton Canyon is the way to go as it is slightly longer and more intensive (beware you may need to get wet and wade in the water). If you are more of a beginner hiker, or want something that is shorter and takes less time, Rubio Canyon is the way to go. It is only a mile walk until you see the waterfall. I would reserve about 2 hours for this, so look to start the day at 8AM. Details about the two are as follows:
This is a beautiful waterfall hike where you can actually tread through the water. While it may have been because we just had a super rainy season, it was impossible to avoid getting wet. We ended up treading through the water rather than teeter on the rocks because they were slippery and seemed a bit dangerous. We thought treading through the water actually made the hike even more memorable. This hike is definitely a little more intense and requires a little climbing. Once you get to the end, there is a nice waterfall and pool that you can tread into. Someone even tied a rope swing nearby that you can enjoy. I would highly recommend this hike if you are craving nature and need a bit of a break from the city.
別の素晴らしい滝へのハイキングです。Eaton Canyonのものよりもずっと簡単で、濡れることなく楽しめます。滝への道は「舗装」された土の道で、非常に短いです!滝までの距離は約1マイルほどです。冒険心があれば、岩を登って上に立って写真を撮ることもできますが、岩は少し滑りやすいので注意が必要です。
Another wonderful waterfall hike. It is much easier to do than the Eaton Canyon one, and you can definitely avoid getting wet. The pathway to the waterfall is all “paved” dirt. It is extremely short too! Only about one mile in until you see the falls. If you are feeling adventurous you can climb some rocks to stand at the top for a photo, but be very careful as they can be a little slippery.
After you reach the waterfall there is a more difficult climbing part of the hike, which was a bit too adventurous for our liking. We were quite satisfied with seeing the waterfall so we turned around for safety purposes. It did seem quite cool though! We climbed the rope half way then decided we didn’t want to risk it. If you are more courageous than us please let me know what’s on the other side!
ハイキングの後は、ハンティントン・ライブラリー&ガーデンズで過ごすことをお勧めします。ここは10AMに開園し、チケットが必要です。チケットは現地でも購入できますが、オンラインでの購入をお勧めします。オンラインで購入すると、ガーデンズに入るのがスムーズになります。Rubio CanyonとEaton Canyonはどちらもハンティントン・ライブラリー&ガーデンズのすぐ北にあるので、午前中に両方を訪れることは十分可能です。ガーデンズでは1〜2時間ほど過ごすのがちょうど良いでしょうが、時間があればもっとゆっくり散策することもできます!こちらがハンティントン・ライブラリー&ガーデンズの詳細情報です。
After the hike you decide to do, I would spend the morning hours at The Huntington Library and Gardens. They require tickets and open at 10AM. You can purchase them there or online, but I would recommend doing it online as it makes it easier to get into the gardens. Both Rubio and Eaton Canyon are just north of the Huntington Library and Gardens, so it is definitely manageable to do both within the morning. You can look to spend an hour to 2 depending on how you enjoy spending your time wandering the gardens. There is always a lot to see, so you could definitely spend more time here if you wanted! Here is more information on The Huntington Library and Gardens
One of my favorite hideaways that you can spend hours at. I’ve gone multiple times and am always happy to return because I still have not seen it all. They have many different types of gardens ranging from Japanese and Chinese to Australian and Rose. There is a lot to see and I find it to be quite peaceful. I would recommend taking your time with your visit. There is an admission fee, but students also receive a discount. Sometimes they host events, I remember attending a craft fair one time and making matching bracelets with my partner.
This is also a great place to bring a blanket and a book. You can easily sit in the shade and picnic with friends or journal. I also recall some friends bird watching here. Inside the Gardens there are some cafes you may have food at. The Chinese garden has some Americanized-Chinese food and boba you can purchase. They also have art and book collections inside various buildings. I also have yet to visit the greenhouse which has been under construction each time I have returned.
午後 - Aftternoon
ガーデンズを楽しんだ後はランチタイムです。Pasadenaからダウンタウンエリアに向かう途中で、いくつかのランチの選択肢があります。もっと地元の雰囲気を味わいたいなら、Old Pasadenaにある21 Choicesや他の飲食店を訪れるのがおすすめです。また、春巻きが食べたくなったら、Paper Riceで手軽に楽しめます。観光スポットをより楽しみたい場合は、Grand Central Marketに向かってください。ハンティントン・ライブラリーからは車で約25分です。Grand Central Marketでランチを食べた後は、車をそのまま駐車して、徒歩でThe Last Bookstoreに向かいましょう。ここでの時間は合わせて約2時間ほどで、2時か3時頃になると思います。
The Last Bookstoreを楽しんだ後は、Grand Central Marketの反対側に歩いて行き、Broad MuseumやWalt Disney Concert Hallを訪れることができます。もしまだ元気があれば、Little Tokyoを歩いてDulceのマッチャを試してみても良いでしょう。これらのスポットには1〜2時間ほどで回れますので、比較的ゆっくり楽しめます。ただし、Skid Rowには近づかないように気をつけてください。
After the Gardens it’ll be lunch time. You can do multiple options for lunch as you will be driving down from Pasadena to the downtown area. If you want the more local experience, I would recommend going to Old Pasadena where they have 21 Choices and multiple food spots to try. Paper Rice is also a quick and easy fix if you’re craving spring rolls. However, if you want to see more of the touristy spots, drive down to Grand Central Market. From the Huntington Library it is about a 25 minute drive. After lunch at Grand Central Market, leave your car parked and walk to The Last Bookstore. Together this may take 2 hours and it will be around 2 or 3PM. After you’ve had your fill walking around The Last Bookstore, you can walk to the other side of the Grand Central Market to go to the Broad Museum or Walt Disney Concert Hall. If you’re feeling up for it and really want to pack it in, you could wander around Little Tokyo and try the Dulce Matcha. These two will likely only take an hour or 2. The only thing I do want you to be aware of is to stay away from Skid Row which is nearby these spots.
グランド セントラル マーケット
Similar to the Original Farmer’s Market, the Grand Central Market is a hub for delicious food. It is always packed with lines for food, but they are definitely worth it. You can park in their tall parking structure, though it is always crowded and the spots are small. Thai food, Mexican food, donuts, juices, and desserts in the market always hit so hard. Everything in GCM is so delicious and if you’re with a larger group I recommend dividing and conquering to cover as much ground as you can and get a taste of a little bit of everything. Seating is pretty difficult to come by, so maybe have one person camp out to save seats.
リトルトーキョー近くのthe Last Bookstore
This bookstore is almost an art museum of its own. The first floor is a pretty standard bookstore area. They have a sofa you can sit on to read and all different kinds of sections (kids, music, poetry, horror, romance, you name it). You can purchase classics and modern novels, but if you’re not much of a reader, you can get a little lost on the second floor. The second floor is more of the art museum where old books have been repurposed into art. I have seen many people come for a photoshoot. There is one iconic tunnel book shelf you can walk through. There are also horror books inside a vault which feels like a dungeon. Another area is structured like a window. It’s fun to turn all the corners and see what else they have created. They also have a mini art gallery which changes each time I have visited.
The Broadは、ロサンゼルスダウンタウンにあるコンパクトな美術館で、ウォルト・ディズニー・コンサートホールの近くに位置しています。無限ルームやバルーンドッグの彫刻、大きなテーブルと椅子で知られています。個人的には、子供の頃から行きたいと思っていた美術館で、現代アートのインスタレーションがたくさん展示されており、どれも興味深いです。無限ルームは人気の展示で、別途チケットと予約が必要なので訪れる前に確認しておくと良いでしょう。
The Broad is a smaller art museum in downtown LA, near the Walt Disney Concert Hall. They are known for their infinity room, balloon dog sculpture, and giant table and chairs. I think this is a great museum to visit and one I have wanted to see since I was young. They have a lot of modern art installations you can view. Note that the infinity room requires a separate ticket and reservation.
However, if you do not get a chance to see it, they have a mini version as one of the exhibits where you can at least pop your phone in to take a photo and see the effect for how it is created. Many people in the museum take photos with the iconic art pieces. Afterwards if you have time I would recommend stopping by the Walt Disney Concert Hall to see the unique architecture. I remember many people from my high school would take Prom or school dances photos here with the silver background. Our high school’s orchestra would also perform here during the year.
Google Mapで「ウォルト・ディズニー・コンサートホール」をチェック
夜 - Evening
アートや絵画を楽しんだ後は、グリフィス天文台に向かって夕日を観賞しましょう。車で約30分の距離ですが、渋滞の時間帯に行く場合はもっと時間がかかるかもしれません。道中にあるSilverlakeのPine and Craneでディナーをテイクアウトし、天文台の頂上でピクニックを楽しむのをおすすめします。天文台からの夕日はいつも美しく、絶好の写真スポットです。
After you have had your fill of art and paintings, drive to Griffith Observatory for the sunset. It is about a 30 minute drive, but if you are going during traffic hour it may be much more than that. I would recommend picking up dinner along the way at Pine and Crane in Silverlake and picnicking at the top of the Observatory. The sunsets from the park are always beautiful.
The iconic La La Land backdrop – Griffith Observatory is a famous planetarium that I love visiting when I have a car to get to the top. Even then, parking is always so difficult to find and can get expensive to pay by the hour. I have heard some people take the bus and hike to the top of the hill which can be an option to look into (especially if you’re not a parallel parker as the parking spots are mostly along the hill).
You can see a beautiful view of the city and I love going around sunset time to watch the sun dip below the horizon. I always see people picnic on the lawn in front of the observatory (which is honestly such a cute date idea). Once you finish your picnic and watch the sunset, you can enter the observatory, free of cost!
If this is your first time, make sure you explore every bit of the observatory. There is so much to see and a lot of bits of history to read about. Also note there are multiple floors, be sure to go to the bottom floor to see your weight on different planets! You can also purchase a ticket to watch a show inside the planetarium. Most times they will have telescope showings.
Sometimes people will be in front of the observatory with smaller telescopes, but I definitely recommend going to the top of the observatory to view planets through the big telescope. If you go during the time they show Saturn, you can really see all the rings! Don’t miss the viewing deck behind the observatory, the city lights sparkle from up there and you can take some lovely photos with the arches of the observatory.
40. DTLAとSilverLakeにあるPine & Crane
このお店は、USCの学生としてよく訪れる地元のスポットです。LA Liveエリアの近くにあり、いつも期待を裏切りません。台湾料理が美味しく、完全に伝統的ではなくても満足できる料理が揃っています。特に「ダンダンヌードル」は定番で、私は「三杯鶏」も大好きです。どの料理も風味が豊かで、満足感が得られます。注文した後は好きな席に座り、料理がすぐに提供されます。店内はとてもおしゃれで、落ち着いた雰囲気も魅力です。友達と一緒に行くのにぴったりで、ファミリースタイルでシェアしたり、個別に支払いをしたりできます。デザートにはシェイブアイスや餅もあり、食事の後も楽しめます。みんなで楽しむにはとてもおすすめのスポットです!
This is a local spot we go to a lot as USC students. It is nearby the LA Live area and never disappoints. They have yummy Taiwanese food, even if it is not completely traditional. Their dan dan noodles are a staple, and I personally love their three cup chicken. Everything is so flavorful. You order your food first, then sit down at a table of your choosing. The interior of the restaurant is very aesthetic. The food also comes very quickly, and it is a great place to eat with friends because you can enjoy family style, or pay separately at the front with your own dishes. They also have shaved ice and mochi for dessert. I definitely recommend this as a spot to enjoy with others!
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