【24選】カリフォルニア ディズニーランド近くで絶対に試すべき食べ物!- Must Try Foods Near California Disneyland!



If you plan on visiting Disneyland in Anaheim, California, don’t just prepare yourself for amazing eats at the park! Orange County is a mixing pot of different cultures, which is apparent in the wide variety of delicious cuisine you can find in the area.

オレンジカウンティ北部のレストランは価格帯が幅広く、カジュアルでリーズナブルなお店から、高級感あふれる落ち着いた雰囲気のお店まで見つけることができます。 本格的なストリートタコスを楽しみたい方も、モダンな和風イタリアンフュージョンを求める方も、このリストを読み進めてぜひおすすめスポットをチェックしてください!

Restaurants in northern Orange County range in price, meaning you’ll be able to find a cheap and casual experience or a premium sitdown experience. Whether you’re looking for authentic street tacos or modern Japanese-Italian fusion, keep reading this list for our best recommendations!

Kaju Soft Tofu

長い一日を過ごした後に韓国のコンフォートフードが恋しくなったら、「Kaju Soft Tofu」がおすすめです。ディズニーランドから車で15分以内、Kタウンの中心に位置するこのレストランは、スンドゥブ(韓国の豆腐鍋)で有名です。平日のランチタイムに訪れるとお得で、スタンダードなスンドゥブは$15.99から楽しめます。

If you’re craving some Korean comfort food after a long day, Kaju Soft Tofu is the place for you. Located less than 15 minutes from Disneyland and in the center of K-Town, the restaurant is known for their soondubu, or soft tofu stew. Try Kaju during weekday lunches for the best prices, as a standard bowl of stew starting at $15.99.


With over 14 different types of soondubu and seven spice levels, you can be sure to find something that suits everyone! Some personal favorites include their Kimchi Tofu Soup for an extra spicy and sour kick or Mushroom Tofu Soup for some great texture. If you aren’t a fan of the stew, don’t worry! Kaju also offers bibimbap (my personal go-to order) and meat dishes a la carte. Try the soft, tender Galbi that melts in your mouth or the Bulgogi Bibimbap, loaded with flavorful beef and grilled vegetables. All orders come with one of the best parts of eating at Korean restaurants– refillable banchan, or side dishes, that might get you full before your meal even comes out.

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Another great place to find hot, comforting soup is at Phoholic, which as its name suggests, specializes in Vietnamese pho. They have two locations that are both about a 15-minute drive from the main park. As the restaurant is beloved among locals, be prepared for a decently long wait if you head over at peak lunch and dinner time! Their enormous bowls start at $12.99.

メニューには17種類のフォーがあり、主にスープに入れる牛肉の部位で違いがあります。初めてフォーを試す場合は、ステーキとブリスケットの組み合わせがおすすめです。もっとボリューム感のあるものを求めるなら、オックステール(牛の尾肉)を試してみてください。少し高価ですが、ベトナムの地元民にも人気の一品です。スープは本格的で濃厚な味わいが特徴で、細めまたは太めのビーフンからお好みで選ぶことができます。スリラチャソース、ホイシンソース、レモン、そして場合によっては魚醤を加えて、自分好みの味に仕上げてみてください! ここで提供されるフォーは非常にボリュームがあるので、食べきれない分は持ち帰り用に用意しておくと良いでしょう。

Their menu includes 17 types of pho, which mainly differ in which cut of beef you want in your soup. If it’s your first time trying pho, try ordering the steak and brisket. If you want something a bit more loaded, try oxtail; pricey but popular with Vietnamese locals. The broth is authentic and dense with flavor, paired with your pick between thinner or thicker vermicelli noodles. Be sure to add sriracha, hoisin sauce, lemon, and maybe even fish sauce to personalize the soup to your taste! Servings are fairly massive here, so be prepared to have leftovers to takeout.

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Ini Ristorante

カジュアルながら上品な雰囲気を楽しみたいなら、「Ini Ristorante」がおすすめです。このレストランでは、日本とイタリアの融合料理を提供しています。一見変わった組み合わせに思えるかもしれませんが、地元の人々に大人気のスポットです。ピークタイムや週末には予約をしておくことをお勧めします。価格帯はやや高めで、メインディッシュの多くが20ドルから30ドルの範囲です。

For a fine-casual experience, try heading to Ini Ristorante, which serves Japanese-Italian fusion cuisine. While this combination may seem strange, it is a hit among locals and reservations are recommended for peak hours and weekends. Prices are slightly higher, as most entrees range between $20 to $30.

前菜には「トリュフチーズブレッド」をぜひ試してみてください。ふわふわのパンに溶けたチーズとトリュフが絶妙に組み合わさり、旨味たっぷりの一品です。イタリアの伝統的な味を楽しみたいなら「マルゲリータピザ」をおすすめしますが、創造的な料理を求めるなら「明太子ピザ」をどうぞ。日本のシーフードがたっぷりのっています。パスタでは、「スパイシー味噌カルボナーラ」が人気で、伝統的なパスタの代わりにうどんを使用したピリ辛でクリーミーなソースが特徴です。食事の締めくくりには「ティラミス」などのイタリアンケーキをぜひお楽しみください。また、Ini Ristoranteでは、イタリアと日本の味を融合させたシグネチャーカクテルも豊富に揃っています。店内はモダンで植物に囲まれており、食事をさらに引き立てる素敵な雰囲気を提供しています。

As a starter, try the Truffle Cheese Bread. The soft, pillowy bread with melted cheese and truffle leads to the perfect combination full of umami flavor. Go with the Margherita Pizza for a more traditional Italian flavor, but if you’re looking for something creative, Mentaiko Pizza is loaded with Japanese seafood. For pasta, the Spicy Miso Carbonara is popular for its spicy and creamy sauce and use of udon noodles over traditional pasta. Be sure to finish your meal off with one of their Italian cakes, like the Tiramisu. Alongside your meal, Ini Ristorante offers a wide selection of signature cocktails that stick to the fusion of Italian and Japanese flavors. The interior is modern and filled with plants, serving as a great backdrop for your dining experience.

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Kin Izakaya

「Kin Izakaya」は実際には居酒屋ではありませんが、Ini Ristoranteを手掛けた同じチームが運営するもう一つのレストランです(実際、両店舗は同じプラザ内にあります)。このお店では、クラシックな日本食に西洋のひねりを加えた料理を提供しています。刺身、焼き鳥、ラーメン、炒飯など、かなり幅広いメニューを楽しむことができます。メニューの豊富さに惑わされないでください――どの料理も同じように美味しいです!料理の価格は様々ですが、多くのメニューが15ドルから20ドルの範囲です。予約は必須ではありませんが、混雑するディナータイムには予約をおすすめします。

Kin Izakaya, which isn’t actually an izakaya, is another restaurant opened by the same team behind Ini Ristorante (the two are actually in the same plaza), serving a western twist on classic Japanese food. They offer a fairly wide selection of food, some of which include sashimi, yakitori, ramen, and fried rice. Don’t be fooled by the variety– all the food is equally delicious! Prices for dishes vary but most meals are between $15 and $20. Reservations aren’t necessary, but recommended for crowded dinner nights.

もし食事の始まりに軽くてさっぱりしたものを求めているなら、「Rainbow Poke Salad」がおすすめです。さまざまな種類の生魚と塩味のトリュフヴィネグレットが使われた一品です。メインディッシュには、「Seafood Tom Kha Ramen」を試してみてください。タイと日本の風味を融合させたクリーミーで塩味が効いた一品に、さわやかな柑橘のアクセントが加わっています。もう一つの麺料理として、「Uni Udon」もおすすめです。伝統的なうどんのだしではなく、明太子クリームで覆われています。個人的なおすすめは、「Chashu Pork Belly Fried Rice」です。バター風味のチャーシューとふんわり炒められたご飯がたっぷり詰まっています。食事の締めくくりには、「Matcha Tiramisu」をぜひお試しください。完璧なクリーミーさで、ほろ苦さと甘さが絶妙な抹茶クリームに浸されています。「Kin Izakaya」では、家庭の味が恋しい時でも、ユニークな体験を楽しめるモダンで西洋風にアレンジされた日本料理を味わうことができます。

If you want something light and refreshing to start your meal, try their Rainbow Poke Salad, featuring a variety of raw fish and a salty truffle vinaigrette. As a main, the Seafood Tom Kha Ramen is a tasty fusion between classic Thai and Japanese flavors; creamy, salty, and a hint of citrus. Try another noodle dish in their Uni Udon, which is covered with mentaiko cream rather than the traditional udon broth. A personal favorite is their Chashu Pork Belly Fried Rice, loaded with buttery pork and fluffy stir-fried rice. To finish your meal off, try their Matcha Tiramisu, perfectly creamy and soaked with a slightly bitter, slightly sweet matcha cream. Kin Izakaya demonstrates a modern, western rendition of Japanese dishes if you’re missing the taste of home but want a unique experience.

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Mo Ran Gak

ロサンゼルスは韓国焼肉の名所として知られていますが、オレンジカウンティの焼肉はそのクオリティと価格の良さで一歩先を行っています。「Mo Ran Gak(モランガク)」は、地元の人々に愛されている高品質な牛肉で有名なレストランです。このお店では予約を受け付けていないため、午後の比較的空いている時間に行くのがおすすめです。もし夕食時に訪れるなら、数時間の待ち時間を覚悟する必要があるかもしれません。多くの韓国焼肉店と違い、「Mo Ran Gak」では食べ放題ではないため、料金はオーダーによって異なります。セットメニューは一人あたり約30ドルから50ドルの価格帯です。

LA might be known for its Korean BBQ scene, but it doesn’t get much better than in Orange County– and for a much better price. Mo Ran Gak is well-known and highly-regarded by locals for their premium beef. They don’t offer reservations, so it’s best to go during the afternoon unless you’re willing to wait multiple hours for a dinner spot. Unlike most KBBQ locations, Mo Ran Gak isn’t all-you-can-eat, so prices may vary. However, sets can be anywhere from $30 to $50 a person.

前述の通り、ほとんどのお客さんはグループの人数に合わせたセットメニューを注文しますが、セットに含まれていない特定の部位を食べたい場合は、単独で注文することもできます。焼肉の合間にさっぱりとした一品が欲しい場合は、彼らの名物「冷麺(ネンミョン)」を注文してみてください。Mo Ran Gakでは、スタッフが全ての焼肉を焼いてくれるため、リラックスして手を出さずに美味しい肉を食べるだけで済みます。心配いりません–スタッフは肉の焼き加減を完璧に見極めるプロフェッショナルです。セットは非常にバランスよく組まれており、マリネされた牛肉かマリネされていない牛肉を選べるので、個々の好みに合わせて楽しめます。Mo Ran Gakは、南カリフォルニアを訪れるならぜひ行くべきお店です。

As mentioned above, most customers will opt in for their sets which are dependent on how many people are in your party. Though, if you’re craving a certain cut not included within a set, you can order it independently. For a cold and refreshing side dish between your grilled meat, order their famous naengmyeon, or cold noodles. Mo Ran Gak offers a peaceful, handsoff experience, as staff members will do all the grilling for you, meaning your only responsibility is to eat the delicious beef. Don’t worry– the staff are all experts in timing the meat to perfection. The sets are well curated and offer either marinated or non marinated beef depending on personal preference. Mo Ran Gak is definitely a must-try for anyone visiting Southern California.

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Cham Soot Gol

もし、食べ放題の韓国式焼肉(KBBQ)を楽しみたいのであれば、Cham Soot Golは地元の人々におすすめの場所です。約30ドルで、さまざまな種類の肉(異なる部位や動物、マリネされた肉など)を楽しめます。韓国料理店にありがちなように、たくさんのサイドディッシュも提供され、これらは無料でおかわりできます。レストランは混雑することがありますが、待ち時間は通常短めです。ディズニーランドから車で約10分と近いため、パーク後に食べ放題の食事を楽しみたい場合には非常に便利な選択肢です。

If you’d rather go for all-you-can-eat KBBQ, Cham Soot Gol is a solid recommendation among locals. For about $30, guests have access to a wide selection of meat, including different animals, cuts, and marinades. Like most Korean restaurants, a variety of side dishes are provided with free refills. While the restaurant can get busy, wait times are typically short. At only 10 minutes from Disneyland, Cham Soot Gol is a great, nearby option for an AYCE meal after the park


With such a large menu of meats, it’s difficult to recommend a specific cut. If you have a favorite order at KBBQ, they most likely have it– and done well! As the restaurant is quite loud due to other guests and the music, it has a great atmosphere for drinking with friends. If you are going with children, a personal recommendation is to arrive closer to their opening time at 5 PM. The restaurant closes at 10 PM, meaning you can definitely get a few drinks late into the night.

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Cortina’s offers all your favorite authentic Italian dishes– various pasta, pizza, sandwiches, and much more. Their food is warm and comforting, reminiscent of a home cooked meal. The restaurant has a market attached next door, great for freshly made desserts and other snacks. Cortina’s tends to get busy during peak meal times, meaning wait times for food can get slightly long. However, seats are usually open as takeout is popular here. You can expect to spend around $15 a person, though their pizzas (which are very large) start higher. 


For a simple, but delicious dish, try their classic Margherita Pizza. The fresh tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese are a perfect combination on top of oven-baked dough. The Baked Lasagna is also a great pick– cheesy with thick pasta layers and tomato sauce. At only $15, it could likely feed at least 2 people. Their menu features a long list of sandwiches, all which are perfect for a casual lunch or even as takeout, a personal favorite being the Italiano Sandwich. Cortina’s features many Italian desserts, ranging from Cannoli to Tiramisu, so be sure to try them!

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Bronx Sandwich Company


With their loaded pastrami sandwiches, Bronx brings the taste of New York to California. Whether you’re craving a hot or cold sandwich, they offer a large menu with room for customization. At just 5 minutes from the park, it is the perfect restaurant for a quick meal, especially as there is almost never a line and seating is easy to find. The sandwiches are on the pricier side, typically $15-$20, but their size makes up for the cost.


A personal recommendation is their Tuna Salad Sandwich, which is great for when you aren’t craving meat. As a cold sandwich, it’s nice and refreshing with the contrast between the creamy tuna salad and fresh lettuce; perfect for a hot day. For a hot sandwich, the East Coast Pastrami is great for meat lovers. It’s piled with warm pastrami with a great mustard sauce slathered on the bread. Bronx also offers three different types of loaded fries: Spicy Baja Chicken, Philly Cheese, and Texas Barbecue, all of which are great on their own or for sharing with your group.

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Brodard Restaurant と Brodard Chateau

Brodard RestaurantとBrodard Chateauは別々の名前を持っていますが、実際には姉妹店で、どちらもベトナム料理を専門としています。待ち時間が長くなることが多いため、事前に予約をすることを強くおすすめします。料理の価格は通常、20ドル未満です。

Despite their separate names Brodard Restaurant and Brodard Chateau are simply sister locations with similar menus, specializing in Vietnamese cuisine. Wait times are usually long, so making a reservation in advance is highly recommended. Prices for entrees are typically less than $20. 


Their most popular dish by far is their Vietnamese spring rolls, which are famous for a reason. They have a range of spring rolls with different meats and fillings, but a personal favorite is the Grilled Pork Spring Rolls. Beyond this, Brodard has a wide variety of classic Vietnamese dishes. I would recommend the Crispy Seafood Egg Noodles for a dish with an interesting texture, as the crunchy noodles slightly soaked in the thick sauce lead to a unique dining experience. The Ha Noi Style Vermicelli is also a great pick for a noodle dish with a slightly sweet fish sauce and filled with fresh vegetables. The Brodard Broken Rice is another dish with a strange texture– Vietnamese broken rice is a dish difficult to describe and unlike any other, combined with grilled meat and fresh vegetables. The menu is massive, so if possible, I would recommend going with a large group to try a variety of dishes!

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The Low-Key Poke Joint

ポケはオレンジカウンティ内の多くのレストランで見かける人気料理ですが、Low-Key Pokeは個人的にお気に入りのスポットです。魚自体の鮮度も素晴らしいですが、このレストランが特に際立つ理由は、多彩で複雑なソースにあります。店内はほとんど混雑することがなく、席を見つけるのに苦労することはほぼありません。ボウルは3スクープの魚が入ったもので、$12.50から楽しめます。

Poke is a popular dish found at many restaurants throughout Orange County, but Low-Key Poke is a personal favorite spot. Their fish on its own is good, but what really helps this restaurant shine is their many complex sauces. The restaurant is rarely crowded and you’ll almost never have trouble finding a seat. Bowls start at $12.50 for three scoops of fish. 

このレストランでは自分好みのボウルを作ることが中心なので、お気に入りの魚を試してみるのがおすすめです。特におすすめしたいのが「Bootea Rice」で、これは竹と緑茶で風味付けされたご飯にパクチーとガーリックが加わったものです。一見すると独特な組み合わせに思えるかもしれませんが、ボウルに少し風味を加えるのに絶妙な方法で、とても美味しいです。11種類あるソースの中では、醤油ベースのソースと、ガーリックと醤油のアイオリを使った「オリジナルソース」が特にお気に入りです。スタッフは通常、魚やトッピングをたっぷりと盛り付けてくれるので、価格以上の価値を感じられるボウルが楽しめます。

As the restaurant centers around building your own bowl, my recommendation is experimenting with your favorite fish. One of their specialties is their “Bootea Rice”, which is bamboo and green tea infused rice with cilantro and garlic. While the flavors may sound strange, it’s a subtle and delicious way to add a bit more flavor to your bowl. Out of their 11 different sauces, personal favorites include the shoyu sauce and original, a garlic and soy aioli. Staff are typically generous with fish and toppings, making the bowls very worth it for the price.

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Anaheim Packing District

ディズニーランドから車でわずか5分の距離にあるAnaheim Packing Districtは、このリストの中で最も近い場所です。この施設は伝統的なレストランではなく、複数の店舗が集まったフードホールです。南部アメリカ料理、メキシコ料理、シリア料理、イタリア料理、タイ料理など、世界中の料理が楽しめるため、グループ内で食べたいものが異なる場合でも、ここなら全員が満足できるでしょう。フードホール形式のため、予約サービスはなく、多くの店舗が専用の座席を持っていません。ただし、ピーク時や週末を避ければ、席を見つけるのは比較的簡単です。

At only a 5-minute drive from Disneyland, Anaheim Packing District is the closest place on this list. Rather than your traditional restaurant, the place is a food hall with multiple merchants. The cuisines range from all over the world, such as Southern American, Mexican, Syrian, Italian, Thai, and many more, meaning it's the perfect place to go if your group is all craving something different. Since Anaheim Packing District is a food hall, there’s no reservation service and many of the merchants don’t have their own seating. However, as long as you avoid peak meal times and weekends, you should be able to easily find a seat.


With so many different merchants, it’s hard to recommend a single place. Considering just how close Anaheim Packing District is to Disneyland, my best suggestion is to go and check it out yourself. I will admit that I love the crepes from here!

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Rodeo 39

アナハイム・パッキング・ディストリクトと同様に、Rodeo 39も複数の店舗が集まるフードホールで、幅広い料理を楽しむことができます。ハワイアンBBQ、フォー、アジアンフュージョンのボウル、フライドチキンサンドイッチ、ピザなど、豊富な選択肢があります。食事以外にも、買い物ができる店舗やコーヒー、アルコールバーもあります。予約は受け付けていないため、ピーク時を避けて訪れるのがおすすめです。また、駐車場が見つかりにくいことがあるので注意してください!

Similarly to Anaheim Packing District, Rodeo 39 is another food hall with multiple merchants and a wide variety of cuisine. Some foods include Hawaiian BBQ, pho, Asian fusion bowls, fried chicken sandwiches, and pizza. Beyond the food, there are also multiple stores for shopping, as well as coffee and alcohol bars. No reservations are available and parking can be difficult to find, so try and come outside of peak meal times!


A personal recommendation is the ice cream here. You’ll be hit by the fresh smell of homemade waffle cones when you walk by the merchant and immediately crave it!

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Taco Trucks


If you’re going to be in Orange County, and more specifically Anaheim, the one food that you absolutely cannot miss out on is tacos. While you can go to a sitdown restaurant, which the area has many great ones, my recommendation is to check out any of the many taco trucks you’ll find parked on the streets or in parking lots in the evening. Since there’s so many and they aren’t actually “restaurants”, I can’t name a specific one to try and find. If you walk up to any where you see a line of people queued on the sidewalk, it’s probably a great find! Prices at these trucks typically range between $1 to $3 per taco– if they’re any more than that, it’s probably not worth it! These trucks tend to set up shop later in the day and stay open until late at night, so if you want an authentic, cheap, and delicious late night meal after a long day, any local will definitely recommend stopping by a taco truck on the way home. 

Joe’s Italian Ice


Joe’s Italian Ice is a staple dessert for locals after a long day at Disneyland, located just 8 minutes away. They serve italian ice, which unlike regular shaved ice, is creamy and smooth despite its icy texture. They have dozens of flavors that change on a daily basis– going back multiple times to try new flavors isn’t uncommon! Lines for Joe’s definitely get long at night, as they close at 12 AM, so if you go late, be prepared for the queue to wrap around the block. Lines are known for moving quickly though!


Joe’s specializes in what they call Joe Lattis, which combine their Italian ice with soft serve. Especially on hot California nights, this refreshing treat is the perfect remedy to beat the heat. While their ice flavors are constantly changing, a personal favorite is the Pineapple Dole Whip soft serve, which adds a nice tart and fruity touch to any ice flavor you choose. Joe’s Italian Ice is a unique and delicious dessert that you can’t find anywhere else around.

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Porto’s Bakery


Despite only having six locations, Porto’s Bakery has made a name for itself as being one of the best bakeries in California. Thankfully, Orange County houses one of those locations, albeit lines typically go out the door and onto the sidewalk. The store serves and is best known for  traditional Cuban pastries and cakes, though their sandwiches, salads, and many drinks are also a hit. No matter the time of day, be prepared to wait in a queue, but for the well-priced treats, it’s well worth the wait!

ポルトスで最も人気のあるアイテムは、おそらく「チーズロール」です。これは、サクサクしたバター風味のペストリーの中に、ほんのり甘いチーズクリームが詰まっています。甘いお菓子としては、トレス・レチェ・ケーキ・ローフもおすすめで、甘い練乳にしっかりと浸されています。もし savory(おかず系)のペストリーが食べたい気分なら、「ポテトボール」が人気の選択肢です。外はカリカリ、中は少しスパイシーなフィリングが楽しめます。ドリンクには、「ドゥルセ・デ・レチェ・ラテ」や「グアバ・レモネード」もおすすめです。もし行列に並んでも気にならないのであれば、ポルトスはグループでのブランチにもぴったりですが、カウンターで焼きたてのお菓子をテイクアウトすることもできます(特にチーズロールはテイクアウトするのがベスト!)。

Porto’s most popular item is likely their Cheese Roll, a flaky, buttery pastry filled with sweet, slightly cheesy cream. Another sweet treat is the Tres Leches Cake Loaf, which is soaked with a deliciously sweet condensed milk. If you’re in the mood for a savory pastry, the Potato Balls are a popular choice– crispy on the outside with a slightly spicy filling. For drinks, the Dulce De Leche Latte and Guava Lemonade are both great options. If you don’t mind waiting in line, Porto’s is great for enjoying brunch with a group. However, you can also head straight to the counter and order baked goods to-go (which you’ll want to do with the Cheese Rolls)!

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Da Vien Coffee

ベトナム発祥のDa Vien Coffeeは、オレンジカウンティにアメリカ初の支店を開店し、すぐに人気を集めました。ここでは、アジアの風味を取り入れたユニークなコーヒードリンクが楽しめます。通常のカフェとは異なる味わいが特徴で、その独自性が魅力です。予約は受け付けていないため、並ぶ覚悟で行くことをおすすめします。特に週末は行列が店の外まで続き、駐車場も限られているので注意が必要です。ほとんどのドリンクは$5.50からスタートします。

Originating in Vietnam, Da Vien Coffee opened up its first branch in the US in Orange County to immediate success. Their drinks are highly untraditional, combining flavors from Asia with coffee to make for a unique menu. The shop doesn’t offer any reservations, so be prepared to wait in line! Weekends tend to see a line out the door in addition to the limited parking. Most drinks start at $5.50.

ベトナム発祥のDa Vien Coffeeは、オレンジカウンティにアメリカ初の支店を開店し、すぐに人気を集めました。ここでは、アジアの風味を取り入れたユニークなコーヒードリンクが楽しめます。通常のカフェとは異なる味わいが特徴で、その独自性が魅力です。予約は受け付けていないため、並ぶ覚悟で行くことをおすすめします。特に週末は行列が店の外まで続き、駐車場も限られているので注意が必要です。ほとんどのドリンクは$5.50からスタートします。

Da Vien’s most popular and specialty item is their Egg Coffee, a sweet and creamy Vietnamese coffee topped with a whipped egg cream. While this item is popular in Vietnam, it is almost unheard of at other coffee shops in the US– definitely a must-try drink! Besides this, their Ube drinks and Matcha drinks are loved among fans. Da Vien is the place to if you have a free morning to spend having coffee and a chat with friends. 

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Fifth Avenue Bagelry

Fifth Avenue Bagelryは、ディズニーランドから少し近い最高のベーグルショップのひとつです。地元のおすすめの多くはビーチまで行くことを勧めますが、ここでは新鮮に焼き上げたベーグルをトーストして、クリームチーズをたっぷり塗ったものを楽しめます。メニューには、プレーンベーグルや他のシンプルなフレーバーから、アメリカの定番であるロックスベーグルまでさまざまな種類があります。待ち時間は長いこともありますが、それだけの価値があります。

Fifth Avenue Bagelry is definitely one of the best bagel shops slightly closer to Disneyland– most local recommendations will have you driving all the way to the beach! If you want freshly baked and toasted bagels slathered with cream cheese, this is the place for you. Their menu ranges from regular plain bagels and other simple flavors to American classics, like the Lox Bagel. Wait times can be long, but are definitely worth it. 

Fifth Avenue Bagelryは、シンプルで美味しいベーグルを楽しみたい方にぴったりの場所です。個人的なお気に入りは、シナモンシュガーベーグルです。ベーグル自体はもちもちしており、シナモンのほのかな香りが広がります。トーストすると、上に振りかけられた砂糖がキャラメルのようなサクサク感を生み出します。もっとしょっぱいベーグルが欲しい場合は、ハウスメイドのハラペーニョクリームチーズもおすすめです。ピリッとした辛さとクリーミーさが絶妙です。また、大きな食事を求めている方には、ベーグルサンドイッチの選択肢も豊富です。Fifth Avenue Bagelryは、パークに行く前の朝食や軽食に最適な場所です。

If you’re looking for something plain and simple, a personal favorite is their cinnamon sugar bagel. The bagel itself is chewy and mildly fragrant due to the cinnamon, and the sugar sprinkled on top gives a nice, caramel-like crunch after it’s been toasted. If you prefer a more savory bagel, their house-made jalapeno cream cheese is also great, perfectly spicy and creamy. They offer a variety of bagel sandwich options as well if you are looking for a larger meal. Fifth Avenue Bagelry is great to pick up breakfast or a snack before a day at the park.

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Salt & Straw

ユニークで時には驚くようなアイスクリームのフレーバーと高品質で有名になったSalt & Strawは、サウスカリフォルニアに初の店舗をダウンタウンディズニーにオープンしました。ディズニーの中央公園から徒歩圏内です。Salt & Strawには定番のフレーバーがありますが、毎月新しいメニューが登場し、「ベリーズ」などの伝統的なテーマから、かつては昆虫を使ったアイスクリームも登場したことがあります。彼らのフレーバーの組み合わせは奇妙に感じることもありますが、ほぼ間違いなくヒットすること間違いなしです。

After growing to fame for the unique (and sometimes disturbing) ice cream flavors and premium quality, Salt & Straw opened their first Southern California location right in Downtown Disney, just steps away from the central park. While Salt & Straw has a set list of flavors, they have a menu that changes monthly, ranging from more traditional themes like “Berries.” to once having insect ice cream. While their combinations can be strange, they’re almost guaranteed to be a hit.

Salt & Strawのクラシックなフレーバーの中では、個人的におすすめなのはシナモン・スニッカードゥードルです。シナモンのクッキーのほんのりした風味が感じられ、比較的穏やかな味わいです。もしもっと奇妙なフレーバーに挑戦したいなら、ストロベリー・ハニー・バルサミコ・ブラックペッパーも良い選択です。バルサミコ酢とブラックペッパーはアイスクリームにはかなり奇妙な素材ですが、Salt & Strawはそれを驚くほどうまくストロベリーの味と調和させています。無制限でアイスクリームのサンプルを試せるので、オリーブオイルやハニーラベンダーなど、変わったフレーバーを全て試してみるのをおすすめします!ディズニーランドを訪れた後や、日中に素晴らしいデザートを楽しみたいなら、Salt & Strawは徒歩圏内でとても良い選択です。

Out of their classic flavors, I personally recommend the Cinnamon Snickerdoodle, which is mostly tame in flavor with slight hints of the cinnamon cookie. If you’re interested in the stranger flavors, the Strawberry Honey Balsamic with Black Pepper is a great choice. Balsamic vinegar and black pepper are definitely weird ingredients to have in your ice cream, but Salt & Straw makes it blend surprisingly well with the strawberry flavor. As they allow unlimited samples of the ice cream, however, I would suggest trying all of their weird flavors, including Olive Oil and Honey Lavender! If you want a great dessert throughout the day or after your Disneyland visit, Salt & Straw is a great choice just a short walk away. 

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Ballast Point


Yet another restaurant featured at Downtown Disney, Ballast Point is one of the less popular eateries in the district due to its location. Located on a rooftop patio, the restaurant provides a great view of visitors down below. As a brewery and kitchen, Ballast Point focuses mainly on their wide variety of   beer and typical American bar foods. Though the restaurant does not offer any reservations, wait times are shorter than others at Downtown Disney, but expect the weekend to be crowded. 


For the most part, food at Ballast Point is standard in terms of variety and expertise. It’s great for sharing with friends over a drink, as most of their menu consists of shared dishes. Where fans of the restaurant enjoy it most is their vast alcohol menu. With dozens of different taps, there are drinks to appeal to anyone in your party. As the restaurant closes at 11 PM, if you’re traveling with an adult group, Ballast Point is a great spot to grab drinks and greasy bites after a day at the parks. 

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Seaside Donuts Bakery


Albeit a bit of a drive from the park, Seaside Donuts is an iconic Orange County spot. Located right on the beach, they are open 24 hours a day and are typically crowded that entire time. Expect a wait even during the AMs! While Seaside Donuts has a great selection of freshly made treats, they are mainly known for being open all day, which is rare for most US restaurants. If you want a late night snack and feel like spending some time at the beach after, Seaside Donuts is the place for you.


Outside of their donut selection, their Green Thai Tea is a great pick- sweet, creamy, and refreshing! Green Thai Tea is reminiscent of the original drink, but a bit fruitier and less intense. Their Ham and Cheese croissant is also a popular pick, but make sure you don’t miss out on their donuts if you end up heading here! Despite lines constantly going out the door, they are rarely ever out of stock. 

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Mastro’s Steakhouse

より高級なレストランをお探しなら、Mastro’s Steakhouseは素晴らしい選択です。オンラインで予約が可能で、予約をすることを強くおすすめします。Mastro’sは、ウォークイン客を受け付けないことが多いため、事前の予約が必須です。また、ドレスコードもあるため、ショートパンツやサンダルでの来店は避けましょう。2人分の食事で少なくとも100ドルはかかります。ステーキの価格はおおよそ60ドルから始まりますが、ステーキやサイドディッシュのポーションはかなり多めで、注文が多すぎるとウェイターが注意してくれることもあります。高級感溢れる雰囲気で、もし運が良ければライブパフォーマンスも楽しめます。

For a restaurant that is more upscale, Mastro’s Steakhouse is a great pick. Reservations are available online and are definitely recommended, as Mastro’s will rarely allow walk-ins. The restaurant also comes with a dress code, so make sure you don’t show up in shorts and sandals. A meal for two will set you back at least $100, as their steaks start at around $60. Portions for both steak and side dishes are excessive however– the waiter will likely warn you if you order too much. Due to its upscale nature, the ambience at Mastro’s is top-tier, and is even better if you’re lucky enough to catch a live performance. 


Their Bone-In Ribeye is cooked to perfection, as the meat simply melts in your mouth. Served on top of a searing hot, garlic buttered plate, every bite is full of flavor. The Porterhouse is also a great pick, perfectly fatty and chewy. Out of their side dishes, the White Cheddar Mac & Cheese is some of the best you’ll ever find. The dish is cheesy and creamy, but what makes it stand out is the golden layer on top that adds an amazing crunch to each bite.  The Garlic Mashed Potatoes are simple, yet delicious, with hints of intense flavor scattered throughout the potatoes. Mastro’s is also known for having some of the best bread out of any restaurant– a title that is well-deserved and must be experienced personally. If you have the time and budget for Mastro’s, it is an outstanding restaurant to visit. 

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The Vox Kitchen

Vox Kitchenは数年前に人気を集め、現在もオレンジカウンティの「インスタ映えする」レストランの定番の一つとして知られています。アジア料理のフュージョンを得意とし、大陸を越えたフレーバーの融合が特徴です。週末やピーク時には待ち時間が長くなることがあるため、予約をおすすめします。メインディッシュの価格は約$15〜$25です。

The Vox Kitchen rose in popularity a few years ago and remains as one of the staple “Instagram-popular” restaurants in Orange County. Popular for their Asian fusion cuisine, Vox combines flavors from across the continent. Reservations are recommended for weekends and peak meal times as wait times can get long. Entrees range around $15 to $25.

個人的には、Vox Kitchenの「ハウスガーリックヌードル」を強くおすすめします!これは店の中でも最も人気のある料理で、ヌードルはもちもちとした食感で、濃厚なガーリックソースがたっぷり絡んでいます。料理にはさまざまなプロテインオプションがあり、どれも美味しいです。また、「エローテ」もおすすめの一品で、クラシックなメキシコのストリートフードに日本の味噌クリームを加えたユニークな融合料理です。スパイスと味噌ソースのコンビネーションは風味豊かで、印象的です。Vox Kitchenではアジアのフレーバーを取り入れたノンアルコールやアルコール飲料も豊富に取り揃えており、「ライチレモネード」は特におすすめです。このレストランは、モダンな雰囲気の中で幅広い料理を楽しみたい方には最適なスポットです。

I personally recommend their House Garlic Noodles, their most popular dish by far! The noodles are chewy and fully drenched in a thick garlic sauce. The dish comes with multiple protein options, all of which are delicious. Their Elote is another great dish, fusing the classic Mexican street dish with a Japanese miso cream. The combination between the spices and miso sauce are unique and full of flavor. The Vox Kitchen also has a wide selection of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages inspired by Asian flavors. The Lychee Lemonade is a great choice. This restaurant is a great addition to your trip if you want a wide range of cuisines in a modern atmosphere. 

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Phin Smith

もし、パークでの長い一日が始まる前に飲み物を楽しみながらリラックスできる時間があるなら、ぜひPhin Smithをおすすめします!このカフェでは、コーヒーやスムージー、紅茶、その他の特製ドリンクが揃っており、さまざまな好みに対応しています。カフェは通常混雑していますが、並びはスムーズに進みます。また、店内のインテリアは写真映えも抜群です。

If you have time in the morning to grab a drink and relax before a long day at the parks, I would definitely recommend Phin Smith! Their menu features different coffee, smoothies, teas, and other specialty drinks that appeal to all tastes. The cafe is usually crowded, but lines move quickly. The interior of the cafe is perfect for pictures as well. 

Phin Smithのドリンクの中では、ベトナム風アイスコーヒーがファンのお気に入りです。練乳のおかげで、通常のラテよりも甘くてクリーミーな味わいが特徴で、強い風味を求める方にぴったりのドリンクです。コーヒーが苦手な方には、ストロベリーマッチャラテをおすすめします。ストロベリーと抹茶の組み合わせはアメリカでも流行していますが、Phin Smithではその魅力をさらに引き立てています。朝食や軽食も少しだけ提供しており、時間があればぜひチェックしてみてください!

Out of their drinks, the Vietnamese Iced Coffee is a fan favorite. Sweeter and creamier than your typical latte due to the condensed milk, the drink is perfect for anyone looking for something packed with strong flavors. For non-coffee fans, I would recommend their Strawberry Matcha Latte. Strawberry matcha as a combination has become a craze in the US and Phin Smith takes it to the next level. If you want breakfast or a snack, Phin Smith offers a small selection of food as well. Definitely a great place to check out if you have time!

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Afters Ice Cream

Afters Ice Creamはユニークなアイスクリームのフレーバーだけでなく、ボリューム満点なデザートも提供しています!甘いものが大好きな方には、トーストしたドーナツの間にアイスクリームを挟んだデザートがおすすめです。昼間はほとんど列がありませんが、夜になると混雑することが多いです。ロサンゼルスとオレンジカウンティには複数の店舗がありますが、ディズニーランドから最寄りの店舗までは車で約15分ほどです!

Not only does Afters Ice Cream offer unique ice cream flavors, they have some very heavy desserts! If you have a major sweet tooth, they offer ice cream smashed in between a toasted donut. Lines are pretty much nonexistent during the day, but their locations definitely get crowded at night. They have multiple locations throughout Los Angeles and Orange County, but the closest is about a 15 minute drive from Disneyland!

Afters Ice Creamのユニークなフレーバーには、鮮やかな青色のクッキーモンスターや、印象的な紫色のジャスミルクティー、ブラウニーバッターなどがあります。さらに、限定フレーバーやコラボレーションも頻繁に登場します!甘いものが食べたい時には、Afters Ice Creamはとても良い選択肢です。

Some of their more interesting flavors include a neon blue Cookie Monster, a strikingly purple Jasmine Milk Tea,  and Brownie Batter just to name a few. In addition to this, they often add limited flavors and collaborations! If you want a sweet treat, Afters Ice Cream is a pretty great choice.

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