アソビュー!kenta さま


5 / 5素晴らしい!

(English follows)
これまで、プロガイドさんのBCスキーツアーの経験が無く、どんなものかと少々心配でしたが、ガイド 中江さんの丁寧なガイドのおかげで大変良い体験が出来ました。

Truely an "Epic" experience at Nozawa BC.
This was my first professionally guided BC ski tour experience, bit anxious to find out what it was like, but all my worries went away with the kind and thorough tour guide Nakae-san.
Selection of powder slopes and hike route was exceptionally good, big difference from our personal bc tour which I was used to.
She also gave us tips and pointers on how to hike up efficently, safe way to ski deep powder(which was bottomless) and also get out of bad fall (which I took!).
All in all, it was a very good experience and hope to join her tour again soon.